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In 'the stifling heat of equatorial Newark', a terrifying epidemic is raging, threatening the children of the New Jersey city with maiming, paralysis, life-long disability, even death. This is the startling and surprising theme of Roth's wrenching new book: a wartime polio epidemic in the summer of 1944 and the effect it has on a closely-knit, family-oriented Newark community and its children. At the centre of Nemesis is a vigorous, dutiful, twenty-three-year old playground director, Bucky Cantor, a javelin thrower and a weightlifter, who is devoted to his charges and disappointed with himself because his weak eyes have excluded him from serving in the war alongside his contemporaries. Focusing on Cantor's dilemmas as polio begins to ravage his playground - and on the everyday realities he faces - Roth leads us through every inch of emotion such a pestilence can breed: the fear, the panic, the anger, the bewilderment, the suffering, and the pain. Moving between the smouldering, malodorous streets of besieged Newark and Indian Hill, a pristine children's summer camp high in the Poconos - whose 'mountain air was purified of all contaminants' - Roth depicts a decent, energetic man with the best intentions struggling in his own private war against the epidemic. Roth is tenderly exact at every point about Cantor's passage into personal disaster and no less exact about the condition of childhood. Through this story runs the dark question that haunts all four of Roth's late short novels, Everyman, Indignation, The Humbling, and now, Nemesis: what choices fatally shape a life? How powerless is each of us up against the force of circumstances? 
Compétences : Lire Débutant complet : non
Thèmes : Culture et civilisation -- Histoire -- Société
Documents inclus : Texte littéraire original
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Descriptif : Roman: fiction historique,
Résumé : Pendant l'été 1944, à Newark, Bucky Cantor, un jeune homme de vingt-trois ans, anime un terrain de jeu. Lanceur de javelot, haltérophile, il a honte de ne pas prendre part à la guerre en raison de sa mauvaise vue. Mais voici qu'une épidémie de polio provoque des ravages parmi les enfants qui jouent sur le terrain. Elle lui offre l'occasion d'éprouver son sens du devoir alors que l'incompréhension, la panique et la colère grandissent dans la petite communauté. Philip Roth décrit, avec tendresse mais aussi un cruel réalisme, nos réactions face aux tragédies, le jeu des circonstances sur nos vies.  
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